and i’m swallowing each impossible love and letting it fill my stomach lining. i have touched this ****** with shaky palms. i have taken my fill, i have loved, lost, loved, and gave birth to a body i never conceived i would. i have been in my own company each night with stacked dishes and undone laundry and puffy eyes that cannot seem to shrink. i’m swallowing each sweet nothing as if it belongs to me—as if you belong to me. through flesh and blood, i see your insides. they are living. your aura. the soft delicate smooth manner in which you exist. i live to see the sunrise from your bedroom window in a nightgown, observing whole towns awakening as our hearts have never known another as clearly worth living for. we are alive and i’m swallowing each emotion i forced myself to deny. i breathe what i feel, i am what i want, i am wanting and oh dear, there is nothing wrong with that.
was looking on pinterest then got inspired. how human is it to feel? so deeply human that i am not immune.