I used to lay with my mother in the morning my brother and I half asleep in my parents bed I remember taking her hands into mine and feeling her knuckles she had a green pillow sewed in with flowers even at 5 years old - the hands that raised me were mesmerizing, they were my safety I did not realize it at the time she was tired and their bed was monumental it was what I looked forward too every night as my father sang me to sleep 100 bottles of beer on the wall and ill buy you a mockingbird I looked forward to the morning
I held my brother In his zoo pajamas painted with pandas and I held my brother as fast as the sunlight radiated in my bedroom, he was small and he was and is - my safe haven my brother snuggled up against my neck and she held us, half asleep and morning doves sang their songs
that is now my lullaby nothing mattered as I held my mothers knuckles nothing mattered when my brother squeezed my arm I was never afraid of my mothers knuckles I was never afraid of my father singing I was never afraid of my brothers grip
I woke up this morning in my own bed alone and tired morning doves did not sing they screamed and my brother is still far and my father is taking care of my mother and my mother is taking care of my father I woke up —- and my brother is far away my father is growing older and my mothers knuckles are nowhere near me I ran my fingers across my own hands and I pray that one day
my knuckles will be remembered the way I remember hers