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Oct 2013
I'll never forget the first time we met.
you cried,
i awed
and the world stopped.
I held you in my arms
i tried not to cry
but you showed me life
you showed me love
behind those hazel eyes
you drive me crazy
you give me hope
you make me see everything
i love you so
my darling, my bently
my bupy roo
your smile melts hearts
and i know one day
you will be trouble
but untill then,
your small enough for me to hold in my arms
your sweet enough to get what you want
thank god that you can not walk
but i will love you no matter what.
Just a small poem about my son bently :) he is my heart and soul
Nunc Scio Quid Sit Amore <3
Becca DeMateo
Written by
Becca DeMateo  25/F/Salisbury, NC
(25/F/Salisbury, NC)   
   Shang, Ellen Bee, Sally A Bayan, --- and MKJ
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