Odysseus sailed far and wide destined to ride the rising tides this Vitruvian King, husband, father navel of this orb’s slice, squared outstretched (**** ad quadratum) ventured out upon the stratum plagued by duty, honor bound cast upon his earthly rounds ox and mule could not his delay ten years, more, from place of his birth, away how his voyage then encircled this (**** ad circulum,) like a girdle, wrapped the legend’s mortal length though his will gave body strength a horse’s belly full of Greeks doomed Troy while oracles, “beef-witted” soldiers did toy even tempered, ingenious and just brought witty Outis from god’s drowning gust thrown for a loop by Neptune and Zeus betrayed and delayed by mischievous use hearth and love drew our brave wandering soul the weary years of travel had taken their toll ever closer to Ithaca, land of his kin smuggled in sleep, there new struggles begin finding rough suitors had invaded his place to right all the wrongs his anger did rage stringing his bow, friends, and state shot his true arrow through twelve rings of fate his story continues, sly Odysseus of Rome but the Greek Homer bore him honors, fame and back home
4/20 - NaPoWriMo - write a poem that recounts a historical event