I dream of freedom not for me, but for you, I dream of freedom, I hope you dream for it too I dream of freedom of your stomach that the hand clenched around your flesh will loosen it's grip and cease to exist I hope that your purple knuckles will turn pink and in place of the bruises will sprout one daisy for every time your fingers slithered down your throat to agitate the demons inside you I dream of freedom of your feelings that your love will not be restricted after stretching to your friends or your boyfriend but that it will stretch a little more so that it wraps around your fingers and pulses through your veins setting your heart on fire and you can finally can feel how it feels to be cloaked in the warmth of it I dream of freedom of your heartbeat that it will learn to slow down that it wont skip a beat at the mention of the word "fat" or the word "skinny" or anything along those lines because the only movement your heart should make towards those words it a full, long, loud beat of pride because you are thin were thin even before this nightmare started I dream in you believing In what you say and what you do I hope you believe that you can be saved and I hear you when you say "I look so cute right now" and I hope god I hope that you mean it.