Works for Sport Fishing Inept for Border Control Save the U.S. NOW
Mr. President Drugs, Trafficking,People DIE We want to know WHY
There are seven types of Haiku, 1) Traditional- nature, 2)Modern, which includes; contemporary and Freeform. Capturing every day experiences, love, loss, social issues, observations of human nature 3) Senrya. human nature, humorous, funny 4) Tanka, five lines 31 syllables 5) Haibun, personal reflection 6) Renku requires two poets each, adding a stanza to a poem , One stanza, and then the second poet adds the reply total to stanzas You can look up each of these for more detail I’ve also came across another list. It’s slightly different, but basically. This is the list.
Watching today’s news 3-3-24 This marks my 200th poem published on HP