Certainly the brashest child in the family Not the oldest, by far, nor the youngest either But the one who ended up on center stage When the lights came up on the century.
Big brother to most of the younger ones In squabbles with some of the nearby ones. And sometimes not willing to play with the neighbors. Who were often friendly and usually needy Of help in some kind of form or another.
Shaking hands across vast distance Finding reasons to feel the same Playgroups were formed to rebuild the playhouses After the bullies had knocked them all down
Reveling in luxury not always entitled Exporting ideals not followed at home Growing fat and complacent with what it produces And sometimes self righteous and greedy for more.
Some say they sense twilight and see the stars dimming The weather will **** us they shout to deaf ears The playground divided into blues and crimsons And lost sight of the goal line in quest for a win.
The maggots all swarmed on the beefiest cut Rotting under the hot lights of justice Not enough brooms could be had by the voters To manage to somehow clean up such a mess.
Teetering on the sharp edge of destruction The clock reaches midnight and bells start to toll But is it the weather that going to **** us Or some human weapon the powerful chose. ljm