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Feb 24
Where to go?
Is it even worth?
I don't know

Broken feeling
Broken glass
Why together
We're just a mess

I know

But do I?
Thoughts pounding
I'm not minding
I'm used to this beat

So confused
But calm at most
Another confusion;
Is just another one

I don't want you anymore
But I need you closed
If it's no you
Maybe it won't be anyone

I can't bear that
I can't bear the lone
But you are here and
It's just as you're gone

So I'm thinking
And my brain already decided
But I'm feeling, and feeling
It's not arbitrarily
Written by
Callamasttia  22/F/Kaer Morhen
(22/F/Kaer Morhen)   
   Dani Just Dani
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