A mirror is never just your reflection, My mother once said The mind has this devilish way of Twisting Things around Making then a lot more or a lot less That what stands before me Suddenly My face isn't my face anymore Instead I stare blankly at a blueprint Society itself has hand-sketched For me. Post-it's on where things had gone wrong Scribbles on things I needed less of Highlighters on places I needed Brighter brights Thinner thins And I just stood there Watching As these self-proclaimed architects Unraveled The plans they had for a body that wasn't theirs. Accepting The new rooms they had drawn next to the ones that already existed, The ones that were always there The ones I made a home out of, The mole on my ear That never seemed out of place Until, The impact of a critical post it told me so. The place where my thighs met I've always ignored, Assuming I was normal But the scribbles that Begged For less of me, Proved otherwise. The marks of stretched skin I considered battle scars over a few calories at a buffet table Nullified By society's architects Disapproved As if it were up to them Invalid Like human came in the form of overruns But I stare at this blueprint that suggests to change me from Floor to floor Head to toe And wonder If the one who owns the lot in which I am Wonder If He wanted to change me anymore than them If He liked the original rooms More than the ones carved to fit the trends If He wanted me to ignore the architects And the drafts of copies And copies And copies Of different versions of me
Didn't He want me to accept the mirror for who I am?