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Dec 2023

I a...

covered in glorious glitter
smelling strongly of PVA glue

sticking to my cheek


& covered in blueorange
yellowred feathers

a bubble
recently blown

perched upon
my nose

I...still....half coma...tose

tiny bubbles travel
amongst my curls

as through
a bigger bubble brightly

nestling neatly
over my right eye

I observe
my tiny daughter

purse her lips
& kiss

more bubbles
into being.

“Till...y! ”

I force my lips
(still frozen in sleep)

to some
how speak:

“ ”

(even my syntax and sentence structuring is shot)

She smiles sweetly: “I’m
...pretty-ing you! ”


I first read this on an open stage with a gig that had little spark. I didn't think it went down well and was talking of dropping it but a woman with many kids told me that I couldn't. It rang true for her and all her girls so I kept it in the set. It is now a firm favourite and one of my favourite poems to perform. I never tire of it and just love doing it.
Donall Dempsey
Written by
Donall Dempsey  Guildford
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