So falls asleep The clock at work And still stand staring All stalls of night Wander shall we Or lie down to sleep Shall we dance on lips Of thought forlorn Stumbling go ever Down in dim Or lead the leaning Limbs to the lair Of dark despair The dear despair The shuffled sea To which we see As children in plea
Shall we then stop And hear the streets Go wading on Or lose shall we Ourselves to blood As bumbling it goes From us to us to us For there is no weep That may we stir As sweet in tea And beat and beat May these shrill heels Forever and free May once they slip And then fall far Into the song And may the hands Yield as we Lay them rest On our simple ******* And may the land Of whsiper and chant Ever go writing The waves of sea
But mourn or nor, Lose shall we Stale as sundress In the lap of she, Loose as tea, And no comfort coy Shall hear from us A single cry And sweet or sleep May mend the bleak But we will not weep No, we will not weep
Weep we shouldn't Lest morn should bear Upon it the stain Of our meek feat
And weep we would If but we could Bear brave the banner Of fierce defeat