Ripped up and torn apart as they always have been I watched as your hands dig through your pockets in search of that last cigarette. as smoke poured out of your mouth I thought back to a time in which my love did the same. Two years previous This would bring me to tears. Studying your steady heartbeat with each breath I wait for "I miss you" to follow.
Telling you what you meant to me ended with a reply of "I know, you've already told me" but wether or not it's understood runs away as time has. Leaving me wondering, can you see that i've been broken ever since?
Placing your chewed up chapped fingers on my left knee, followed with an empty stare possibly in search of words. Your eyes, now empty muddy pools swirling with the different drugs to keep the weekends exciting, are an abandoned home. Yellowed teeth from the five smoke breaks a day share the same spot as cold coffee to keep you alive on these long nights. Yet, for some reason butterflies still carry me away when brought to company even though, we don't appear to be the same as we were two years ago.