This generation has taught us new words: Victimization Humanization Feminism Activist cultural creation, social justice Racial injustice trigger warnings safe, space identity politics cancel culture white privilege Black power Equity culture appropriations Apartheid Infidel Anti fada From the mountains to the sea Exterminate genocide
Have you noticed things come in catastrophic waves something new risers up, crashing down like A tsunami that Slowly dissipates. ******, death, ****, time to reflect, understand What it really means remains to be seen Then the quiet before the storm until, the next thing Something wicked, this Way comes.
What is society preparing us for? Is it’s by design? If so, whose design? No doubt, we will have more slang phrases to follow
It seems as if we were to be kept distracted, so we don’t see what’s going on behind the scenes. If we’re fighting with each other, we can’t see or focus on what the rest of the world is doing. We need to wake up we need to understand, nefarious people want to steal our land.