It's tomorrow. Of course, it's tomorrow. The long-awaited day has come. We must prepare. then we wash our feet, Let's take the intention intention to go to Habeeb's house. Let's congratulate him for counting the light. and bless him for picking green leaves. and wear white and blue clothes. This is indeed Habeeb's day. After the prayer, Habeeb's friends will dance. so the family will dance. That's how mom and dad will dance. O' Allah, keep Habeeb alive. Improve Habeeb's life. Bless him with countless blessings. Give him the light of knowledge. O' Allah, bless him with eternal wealth. O' Allah, put the truth on his tongue. O' Allah, give him the power to keep everyone's trust. O' Allah, give him endurance. O' Allah, give him solitude. O' Allah, bless him with all goodness. Amen