Quick, since home Peeps in view The oscillations Become familiar The feeling Of conclusion Fills the body
I am watching The rear view eyes Deep in scrutiny The poor sky shuffles Its feet, cloaks Itself
Swift tides move And the laces of the road Move with them I fidget on my seat Hear the violent music Rise behind us
Quick, now, the storm Is on its way Soon, the world Will start its run Trees are looming Already, and The door to home ***** like a wing
Stop, now, stop and Rush through Bar the windows, Blind them, shake The fireplace awake And, little fly, bake Your biscuits and read Your books, till the edge Of day breaks And clever dust Lulls you to sleep
Quick, quick, quick.
But the rear-view eyes Leap upon me Precise as leapords, Prying, plying With sharp disquiet Cold rain tusks And I speed Reckless forward.