Dotta swung and he missed Time for him to cease and desist After Ren went ballistic Because he couldn’t resist The allure of a battle Using words like their fists Landing blow after blow Without a beat to assist
We witnessed a burial An end to a reign But all that king Dotta was.. Was a true royal pain A husky, sad, clout chaser Vanilla, quite plain Who failed in his attempt To perform; entertain
Ren showed his ferocity, his ability, his skills He speared his first whale Despite Dotta not having gills But Ren gave him a lifeline Without showing any ill will Offering all he can eat On a buffet filled with krill
One million subscribers Sent to consume and digest King Dotta’s music Of which I’ve been unimpressed But the message from Ren Was really quite clear As the words spilled from his lips “A rising tide, lifts all ships”