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Sep 2013
The wheel must spin
the fat become the thin,the rich take on the poor man's garb,the gossip monger feels the barb of their own tongue.
It is done,
the wheel stops,
thirty on the red and all who have too much are being bled of what they do not need,those in hunger feed and those who want shall want no more.
All this written down in chapter twenty four of some great book which I never took the time to read,
when upon a tireless time,I thought it was the action, not the deed that mattered most and to boast of such accomplishments that meant the world to me was in effect a greater heresy.

The wheel will spin for it is writ that everyone
deserves a bit of happiness.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
   Md HUDA
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