Did Billy really give out Wet ******* Like they said all of his life When he was out cruising and found people snoozing He'd always find time to sneak up behind
Licking his finger like he'd just had chicken dinner Without the slightest of sound Then ever so gently, placing it intently Squishly into the ear canal
Was it the single action or multiple reaction That always seemed to satisfy From the loads of screaming, Billy would be reeling Chuckling with pure delight
With a glistening finger in hand always lingering Looking to wow the crowed You knew a Wet Willie from the hand of Billy Would soon be making the rounds
From a Sunday church pew he knew what to do Or even a Friday bus ride Perhaps the innocence of a lonely park bench Singled out on the Upper East Side
At Billy's bequest, Wet ******* were best When they came packaged up in a surprise It could be said if you hadn't already guessed That Billy found his purpose in life