Occupation is such a daunting task. The ironclad God swears up and down That he's not asking me to jump into a dragon's mouth.
Blame me, the thing with the experience The tacit pact among the angels To tear it down, tear it down.
You didn't write such scathing songs, Between your teeth, it was about a girl. She did you wrong, and did you wrong. Can't even see her crooked steps.
Well it's the world that's crooked, not me And I want to hear you out In court of law, But we are sitting in a dragon's maw, And noticing retracted claws Could be of use to scrape and brawl And make our own way, rect and raw And that's our job here, after all-- To make a stand so strong and tall! Yet all we do is hem and haw While manifesting every flaw, And now I cast my eyes in awe To see my fatal friend's been mauled The sherpa of my love who hauled Us both up Everest, hear my call! You were the only thing I saw The novel taste of ripe pawpaw Who drop their fruit in early fall ... So sitting in that dragon's jaw My job would be to lay there, sprawled Into the stomach, break and fall But until then, I dream And draw.