Now, the candid orange From the rouge lemon and this; big sky I’m Left out to hide under On the fence so it looks Like so it looks like I Couldn’t decide. My feet lead slowly dragging Through the pasture where We buried to to many Gentle memories.
Red cardinal, old world Ferns in the small lower corner Ears perk up & I see A place. I fondly think it doesn’t go anywhere... … Passing through thicket
Brushing up against A … ‘ah’ a ‘eh … α eigh — Edge! ‘Ai’ heigh I clamored. Wide open vista with …‘oo’ blue hue Sweeping ocean view. Winds come Sail'n out of those humid chartreuse Grasses from a pointed funnel Leopard bed look'n hostel or not it is safe a good gap in the tract I don’t feel lost, safe sign I might as well keep schmucking Going out of where I should be. Scenic edge stopped aisles lie ahead keep in my tracks followed only the wind a safe place to be so odd it felt like the wall of a fish bowl looking out to the sea.
I am A this about me and our property written to max joy and not make yje path to clear because there was no real path i just started out and found something beautiful.