The open source of my open sores Is the reason why my open soars .... ...come so far and few between these days
IN so many ways much Is being lost ...without fair value for the price it costs and no reason exists the midst .. ..of all the turns and twists ... ...for not attempting to displace - replace , erase OR EVEN EMBRACE whatever grows from changes From what is seen.... and by how one rearranges
Or even exchanges ONE THING from another One Another for another ...or another for the ONE THING we already had .... .....all along!
Living...flowing...ever knowing GLOWING like the wingtips of a flight-bound Dove In shadowed effect of a sun-backed vision Silvertipped and golden tinged ...glowing as hot as the sun Without threat of being singed
Immune to the effects of latent remorse as a source effecting the continuation of any open sores that might reflect upon my own ability take flight IN MY EVER EXPANDING FREEDOM AS MY OPENSOARS