‘You’re so wet for me baby’ they say ‘You’re not saying no’ Rinse repeat
It hurts I say ‘That’s normal ‘
It is what it is what it is what it is My words stop
‘You’re so quiet’ they say
If I unzip my abused vocal chords I won’t be able to stop the noise Keening screaming bursting like a dam
It’ll fill up my head My ******* bone marrow Where do I begin and where do you end flush against me
I am good at being quiet I am good at being small I am good at being needed I am good at pleasing others I am good at saying yes when I mean; Stop Get me out You are choking me I can’t breathe There is blood on my teeth On my hands
I held you after you assaulted me for the first time and you told me about what was plaguing your mind So I comfort you Rinse repeat Tell you I’ve got you through gritted teeth
Is that so bad is that so bad I am needed so why is it so ******* bad
You fill my lungs acrid and burning Inhale exhale Inhale exhale Wd and vcka coat your lips like a gaudy lipgloss
Wash away the taste of you Clean my teeth with dettol Empty my veins clean the dirt and grime away Trying to forget the way you coat my teeth
Your mouth is so good baby’ you say It is bad honey and expired milk
It is not being touched since It is not sleeping It is wanting to be held but being terrified of the thought To be held is to be vulnerable Split me open Look inside