Someday you'll fall down on your knees and say a Hail Mary to she. For all the beliefs To which you wed The prison bars That kept you fed But you're dead Like the force-fed lies you cannot shed like the frozen fish you refuse to eat Maybe it's the meat of a ferocious tiger You need the heat Exposing the atrocities devouring the monstrosities inside.
Say hail to Mary Hail to the chief Hail to those the shed the imaginary bars that bind Hail to those Left behind Hail to those That hitch a ride on a star. for just a while and Just idle.
While all the while the ridgosities abound And there's no way around The mounds and mounds of Institutionalized Idiocrasies Idiosyncracies That cling on Like Clingon To all the inside Lies Lies Lies