You are used to being overloaded with work That's what happens when you work in a startup Especially a startup dealing in Recruitment That too, not run-of-the-mill Recruitment You specialise in niche roles Thus, you need to invest a lot of time and effort In order to pull off closures Yes, a recruiter's life is never going to be easy But Recruitment pales in comparison to Research When you are working on a major research project You are essentially taking part in an almost never-ending race Against that elusive devil, Time A race you can ill afford to lose And the race track is far from straight In fact, it is full of twists and turns Some of them are even more dangerous Than those hairpin bends you often encounter While driving up the mountains There are also numerous obstacles along the way And to cap it all There are no prizes for winning the race On the other hand, if you lose There will be a stiff penalty In the form of losing the client, for ever And what's worse Is the fact that your credibility will take a massive beating From which it will be quite difficult to recover Life will never be the same again So, you have to win, no matter what Of course, you are used to working hard Whether it be Recruitment or Research So, you put your best foot forward And work out of your skins Putting off sleep as much as possible Even when your body is protesting vociferously Against this blatant abuse To add insult to the injury Your laptop shows you the ******* And your phone literally dies Sending you into a brainfade That would have put even Australian cricketer Steve Smith to shame Luckily, your father's presence of mind saves the day But your troubles are not over yet The harder you work The more confusing the project gets It's like being trapped in a maze Except that it's a thousand times worse Because the maze is controlled from outside As if it were a puppet With your boss pulling the strings Thus, the harder you try to find a way out The more you get trapped inside With every passing hour Hope slowly drains out of you Until you are forced to admit That all you can do, is pray And keep praying for all eternity Hoping against hope That Harry Potter and his friends will save the day
Poem I decided to write during one of the most critical stages of a major research project.