he tickled me with love i imagine behind his merciless IBM grin sadistic chuckle
my grandfather loved me built me a swing a wooden airplane gave me a bicycle a cape to wear he taught me pong and pitfall
wielding a brush-broom handlebar-moustache a favorite game of his was giving raspberries testing limits his iron fingers wringing squeals of laughter sour under breathless ribs tear-eyed begging fits
his old white t-shirt too small to hide his plump hairy belly, i'd tickled him there once poked him where my cousins pointed giggling
when the kick came i felt it in the heart more than the back of my knee bent from the sudden sneering force
when i asked him years later for a book from his dying bookshelf he joked with a growl the last emphysemic sentence i remember he said to me you gonna bring it back when you're done?
i remember the rules of the tickle game and love him back for his sarcasm firecrack generosity
"Jonathan Livingston Seagull' is a novel by Richard Bach