In the wake of my self destruction, when i thought all hope had escaped my reach , a whisper of a voice came calling deep with in the night.
Softly wrapping me up in tender words of encouragment, unbeknownst to me this voice had a goal to vanquish all my self-hatred by gently nudging me to rise up and fight.
Willing me to stand and face the devilish hauntings that are relentlessly stalking me ,constanly tring to creep through the past's closed door.
Pushing me to believe in my self and my inner strenght, validating that i can no longer hide from the shadows of uncertainty nor fear what they have in store.
Make no mistake it is painfully obviouse that I have only been treading water barely keeping my head above the surface just waiting for the current t o drag me under.
Stiffin up that upper lip and walk with your held held up high, almost maternally spoke this whisper of a voice, which is now reigning down like thunder .
I had to work thru a bunch of things this past month. I know that I must stay on a positive path so here is my beginning of that journey.