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Sep 2013
In the darkness, filled with pain,
memories are all that remain.
Remembering the days that once was,
doing things, well just because.
I've awoken in this wooden grave,
its to late now, you can't save.
Thinking I'm dead, but not quite sure,
maybe I'm alive, on a six foot under tour.
There is no bright light, in case you're wondering,
trust me, cause I'm endlessly searching.
Not really sure how I died,
my friend and family, alive they cried.
Didn't wanna be buried in a wooden box,
wanted my ashes spread, where I took my walks.
I can't see a stairway to heaven,
I hope that answers everyone's question.
There is no highway to hell,
if there was, I'd surely stop at the famous California hotel.
I used to believe in reincarnation,
but now the maggots have started their infestation.
Never did make out a living will,
sometimes life is a bitter pill.
Not sure if I ever said my last goodbyes,
but I can feel tears dripping from my eyes.
Allen Wilbert
Written by
Allen Wilbert  florida
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