He stated unequivocally,that they won't build a bomb,no one believed a word he said, though he stated it with some aplomb. I've got it in my head that they'll build and drop the ****** bomb and then we'll all be dead. However,he says that will never happen on his watch,it may be he understands, that the killing of the world at large won't wash off from his hands.
One day the pulse will come and all the information, held fast and in some vast hard drive without which the country seemingly could not survive at all,will simply not be there,it will dissipate and fade into the magnetics of polluted air. One day the bomb they build which filled us with such nightmares when we were little girls and boys will be deployed and everyone we knew or loved will be totally destroyed.
This thought stops me eating cornflakes and it's giving me the shakes,I wish the madmen of this world would apply the sodding brakes.