Delectable decked out smooth talker Enthralling and sparkling macho man Ever-changing and mountainous invitingness I ache to savor your greatly stately tastiness Soak in your notably showy and smoking poeticness
Stroke your broad, phenomenal chest Your huge, blooming biceps Your sleek, appealing, and glistening abs You are so mesmerizing like a delightfully And lively tree-lined manor house Like a verdant urban world leaves me open-mouthed
Your immersiveness stirs up my queerness Makes me long for your solacement My get-away vacation home My divine diamond-in-the-rough A blissfully bewitching And finger-lickinβ sweetness
A multidimensional dreamland Where your exceptionally elegant manliness Makes my mouth water more than ever When you stick out your tongue When you gander at my entrancing And sweet-smelling feminineness
With your luminous, compassionate, and dark eyes With your brilliantly breathtaking bandana Around your perfectly venerable and black-haired head I fall deeply under your spell Lost in your discerning and staggering rareness