Sometimes my grandfather (known to me as my Pap) will ask me if I want to go to a toy train convention at 8:00 AM on a Sunday, and I'll say "I don't want to, but I definitely will" and he'll tell me to just forget it.
It's like this for other things too, with other people. Usually loved ones.
My cousin Jake is sometimes late for a birthday dinner, and I'll say "If you don't want to come, then don't." Then I'll smile because I'm hearing my Pap's words coming out of my own mouth.
He doesn't want someone to tag along just because it's the right thing to do, he wants someone to be as excited as he is. He wants someone to want what he wants.
What do I want? How does anyone figure that out? I feel like I've lived a life wanting the wrong things. Not wanting what others have wanted for me. Throwing away opportunities to make others proud, people like my mother. She wanted me to be a man, but I've lived these wandering years as but a man-child who squanders the days away with menial hobbies. Lazy and unfocused I am, I've been. Always wanting the wrong things.
... If I had a grandson what would I want him to tag along with me for?