daddy daddy, where are you going? I turned three today, are you happy? are you leaving just for a minute? why did you pack your stuff? daddy, can you hear me?
daddy daddy, it's so good to see you it's been forever since I last have I'm sorry I ******* up daddy hopefully you can forgive me daddy, are you there?
daddy daddy, why did you re-marry? who is this lady, she seems scary did you even love mom, daddy? was I just a mistake, daddy? daddy, where are you?
daddy daddy, why do I have to live here? I thought you wanted us to be happy I thought you wanted what was best I'm not happy this wasn't the best daddy, will you let us go?
daddy daddy, why do you insult me? what did I do, daddy? why don't you love me anymore? did you ever even love me, daddy? please tell your wife to stop please tell yourself to stop these words hurt, daddy I'm starting to believe they're true daddy, will you please stop?
daddy daddy, why did you look away? you saw the scars that I created aren't you happy? isn't that what you wanted, daddy? I'm sorry about the pills, daddy but you made me feel so worthless, I do what you always do with worthless things I tried to throw myself out daddy, are you even listening?