It seems we spend our whole lives always waiting for something.
Babies for their mother's breast. Children and adults, waiting for the approval and admiration of other people. Smiles from anywhere that reassure. Food, always food. More Shinny Stuff to amuse and thrill. Meaningful love from somewhere that might actually endure. Annoying Long lines for one thing or the other and eventually everything. More Love, always fleeting, forever love. Awaiting knowledge and wisdom long sought that may never come.
In midlife awaiting, our own needed, highly anticipated self-respect. The arrival of every Spring. The tranquility of Nature. Every inspiring sunrise. A walk in the orchard with our best friend. Some elusive understanding and meaning of Love and Life itself.
In advanced age, we wait mostly for the end, one that lurks like a thief right around the bend of this our all too short life's journey.
If you can add something that I missed, please do.