dreaming breeze,
tell me,
who put you in my heart,
who breaks our cries,
who keeps us on our knees,
please, look into my eyes,
promise me the darkest blue, promise me your arms,
in them let the echo hit the forest, knock at the door of each leave and ask:
when are you coming?
this loneliness is superfluous,
these roads are superfluous, thoughts are meaningless,
even the rain is a stranger, an intruder,
to leave,
to leave, to leave us alone, and burn the desire of madness,
and burn the roots of the grass, O, Lord,
give us the day when we are water in the riverbed,
light in the creed of the moment,
whisper in the wind you are all i have,
you are all i have in my heart,
when do you come?