me and all my ghosts; taking the stage! chewing through scenery like the very hungry caterpillar; obsessed with accepting half-eaten garbage until i can’t feel that void. anxiety propelling every clandestine interaction. . . waiting for the day someone bakes me a cake with my name on it.
it’s ******* horrid.
we’re in your room – a place i’ve never been but manages to smell exactly like home. the carpet’s ******– but to me, it feels like beach waves. i cried all the way home, not because i missed you.
i missed the waves.
i threw myself off every emotional cliff in attempt to replicate that safety; my bathroom floor heard more prayers when the sun went down than sunday mass ever did.
don’t worry, sunshine. you did everything right; scouring macy’s for cupcake pans, mixing the batter with every offerable ounce of my blood.
but it wasn’t a cake. you didn’t taste like one either.