120 miles away; at the speed of love close to decay. And the sinner in, asks if you’re giving up that cake today. I’m stuck in a parade, matching bands matching your movements in those shoes. Revelry of gossip in front of friends —excusing ourselves on calling it important news.
We’re no good, no good for each other. But if we meet in Heaven, I might remind you how I was once your lover.
The very first to add worth in your first kiss. To rest my head besides your cheek. And finding it rude to call you my chick, or to call you my b…
Still hard for me to say even in the things that past. You could hate me more for knowing things wouldn’t last. Staring at the half empty glass—filling ourselves on cheap laughs. Cheap thrills, expensive meals on an empty pocket of a kid.
I was weird, I had a piece of a beard to appear grown. The king of your heart, knowing Lucifer fell for trying to sit on that wasn’t his throne. The crown turned into thorns. I’ve been torn by unsaid words.
The unsaid truth, is I still love you now. But I’m foolishly in love with a love long gone. 120 miles, so far away. A distance so long.