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Sep 2013
She holds living animals in her arms,
And when winter comes she keeps them warm,
She is Nature's Woman, a woman beautiful and lovely;
She is such a blessing to me.
She is kind to all living things,
And has such a beautiful heart that sings,
Her heart is a tapestry of love;
And she is sent down from God above.
She always is kind and sweet,
Her beauty I always greet,
I thank God for creating such a lovely lady;
On and on her beauty shines in the forest shady.
She plays upon a piano that sings,
And all throughout the forest her melody rings,
She is the sweetest lady ever;
And I will love her forever.

This is dedicated to my Mom with love!! :) <3
I hope she enjoys this!! ;) ~<3
Written by
Marian  Faerieland and in my head
(Faerieland and in my head)   
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