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Sep 2013
The crowds gathered where she had fallen
she laid there still on the ***** city street
her eyes were dark, tears mixed with dust
this metropolis had taken her life and trust

She thought it would be warm in the city
but the cold reality proved her blindness wrong
all her hopes and dreams evaporated
as did the sweat from her pallid face

The city folk just looked at her
non wanted to help her
it's that thing in big cities
it's not my problem syndrome

How old was she you ask
should that really matter
she was a women in distress
and I wish the city had never called her

Now it is on my conscience
why did I call her
why did I call her
to disappointment and death

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris

© 2011 NeonSolaris (All rights reserved)
Christos Andreas Kourtis
Written by
Christos Andreas Kourtis  London UK
(London UK)   
   Olivia Kent, ---, Lark Rayne and Maeve
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