I am above ground looking down I behold a canyon or sink hole where people are gathered around a shiny Rolls Royce deposited on the ground by some unknown force. Somehow I make it to the floor of the hollow but soon I fear being caught there doomed and look for a way out of the gloom. I see a pathlike outcropping on the southern wall a few others follow as I walk to it to make the crawl. One old foot at a time I carefully climb but eventually I must stop the outcropping severely narrows near the top, grass and dirt within sight, but too far for a safe berth I cannot pull myself up to flat earth. I look down the steep side the fall would be two hundred feet if I slide I feel dizzy and scared, a void in my groin. So close to success, near safety and normality yet now discouraged wrapped in doubt and fear where to go from here? It seems nowhere but in the abyss all my difficult progress amiss.
This is from a dream, the meaning of which I soon figured out. I’ve been working on a personal project making some progress, but afraid I will far too prematurely declare success. I must remember: “Progress, never perfection.”