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Jul 2022
My colors run and my fruits rot

I come up short but can't stop

Reaching for the stars and shoot the moon.

Nothing gratifies me instantly beyond disappointment

Letting go of expectation and desire while addicted to reward

Destroying the reward systems with drugs and alcohol

Reward the systems that destroy those addicted

Some don't see the vice we're all in, some don't want to

If I touch what I can reach and reach where I go and go where I'm needed then I've made the difference.

I am not alone in my journey
The internet truly is amazing. To think one day the world would be linked through the elements we manipulate. I do fear that people were not meant to be so close together though, the thought is nice; that we as a world could exist in harmony. The truth is there will always be a place for evil in the world, such comes with desire. Everyone has a different reach but we can all touch someones life in a meaningful way. The world was small before the internet.
Jesse Nakai Hernandez
Written by
Jesse Nakai Hernandez  27/M/Texas
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