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May 2022
By: Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2022.

As I turn another page
To embrace advancing age
At times I am engaged
At other I’m outraged
For feeling so encaged
Or even unassuaged
And otherwise upstaged
By my advancing age

But I’m learning to be adept
At trying to accept
Sometimes being inept
And at others just outstepped
By a well-kept
Overriding precept
That’s not a defect
Of my intellect

So it makes perfect sense
That my experience
Might be quite intense
Not suggesting that I’m dense
In a figurative or literal sense
As part of life’s suspense
I’ve learned to carry on
So hence

You deal the hand
You’re dealt
On the conveyor belt
Despite the way
You’ve felt
While fastening your seatbelt
And you refuse to melt
Because of where you dwelt

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2022.  All rights reserved.
Written by
Cedric McClester  New York, New York
(New York, New York)   
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