They told me I was a drug addict, and I refused to consider it. I was scared and I was fearless and I was ancient and young and I didn't know how so many things could fit inside of me, but I knew that they were wrong and they could never understand.
They told me I was a drug addict and I thought maybe they knew what they were talking about, after all, and I wanted them to be right because I wanted them to fix me.
They told me I was a drug addict and I went to meetings and collected chips and spoke in group and preached recovery.
They told me I was a drug addict and I agreed until I got to go home and even then I kept agreeing for a while.
They told me I was a drug addict and I sat in meetings and got a sponsor and said all the right things to my parents.
They told me I was a drug addict and I got high because I missed it.
They told me I was a drug addict and they told my friends and said I'd try to convince them I was okay, and when I did, no one knew who to believe.
They told me I was a drug addict and that I hadn't changed at all and even when they said they were sorry, I knew they weren't, really.
They told me I was a drug addict in recovery and that the worst was behind me.
They told me I was a drug addict and I never stopped for good because I guess I was never sure if I believed them.
They told me I was a drug addict, but I think I'm doing okay.