Created out of my own imagination It surely was not real Running towards the dilapidated station Of spacious spectacular zeal. Like a butterfly wanting its cocoon I want for the embrace of what I've made The future feelings to come taken too soon With confirmation of sickness on a *****. I have dealt the deck many times But to wonder what you have become Is like watching paint dry. I have seen so much and known so little I understand now that all we need is care. Care for me with the embrace I seek Care for me like ships gently caressed floating on the ocean's surface And I will give you eternal life Just say the magic words I do , I do , I do. Let the crevices of your mind fill with light Truth becomes souls inside a blockade If not for your love and understanding That I am who I am And you are nothing but my lover.
What is really real? Not much. However, reality is under my thumb. Will I tell you my truth? You sure know I will. What's there to lose? I live in a concrete jungle and I want to go home.