my dove, I still remember - the day I found you your perfume wafting o'er distant waters, i smelt you from afar, frankincense, myrrh, myrtle o' young daughters.
beloved, you came to me from afar. Time had no meaning, as you held me in your love, You gazed at me, your pure eyes calling me dove. But now you're gone. And life has lost its meaning.
my dove, i let you go, i let you fly over many waters. i deemed it wiser -- for us both but my dove, i love you still. and i'm still here, on the hill.
beloved, till hoary days i'll remember your voice though they look at me askance in simulacrum of life, they ask me to dance to tune of flute 'n fife but i hear not, for i cannot, save in you, rejoice.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge #hoary deem askance simulacrum