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Sep 2013
Drowning in these memories of October
The absence, the vacancy, the nothing
The way you wove your hands through mine
Your lips like wine
Sweet, red, and filled me with warmth
And everything I'd ever need
My hunger for love you'd feed
And the burn of our passion
Like the sun-
An eternal flame
Never touched by darkness-
Always shining brightly.
And on the day the light did rip
Came a fearful, dark, destructive eclipse.
The way you left without a sound
The weariness and sadness inside me bound.
Oh how I miss your tender touch!
Don't you know I love you oh so much?
It tears me apart
As I slowly, sadly, surely
To go my separate way
Please beg me to stay.
All those days ago I turned away
Drowning in October.
This is my favorite poem of mine. Based on a certain someone.
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