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Mar 2022
I want to live, so I have to
praise life, and our folly
having a good time

and getting children, uninhibited
and blind to the hardness
of our existence and of people

their failures, errors and deceit
yes, our flight for each other's
aggression and cruelty

Without ideals, I still want
to discover more of life
I am open to the miracle

that you are another me, but
carefully, since the kindergarten
teacher put my trust in the corner

where I took shelter in obedience
and paying extra attention, because
being myself was dangerous
"Lof der zotheid" ("The Praise of Folly", 1511, Desiderius Erasmus)

The kindergarten of the nuns, in the Piet Heinstraat in Tilburg (1956-1958)

Collection "Imprints Masks"
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