How the present is the many moments, you and I in our youth will cherish. But perhaps it's the future's investment, we find so precious.
You and I haven't met, and we're all looking for a lover of next. But why do you expect so much from love, of that which we don't have? The tenderness many will share to another; but what of us to tend our own land. Do you understand; that all you long to give, isn't as easy if it's not something you've once received. How we live, are from lessons we've been taught at birth, and kept to heart.
I wasn't taught how to truly love. As Love wasn't all I got.
I went out for the discovery of it, as a teen being lost. I've made many mistakes, some that have given my character shape. But often past mistakes, brings the present's shame.
As a lizard sheds their skins; I shed my skins of discomfort. Vulnerable, and bare to the times I've almost lost it. (That being my love) Beauty soon fades as with age. Some nights; the love I give may not feel the same as yesterday's.
And I'm not one to often change; but I rather try and make it. But why would I believe I can change one's self in the choice of being in love with them.
"Oh I can change him/her," the phrase being said more than enough.
But this first letter points out the views of me, into the views of you. And as I wrote this, the picture view of us, being as one from two.