We long for presence For someone to hold our hand And make sure we are okay To pull us to safety When we feel our lives Slipping Like tethered rope Through sweaty fingers Torn between letting go Dropping Falling Fearing Fracturing On the rocks below Or daring to think That maybe things will be okay So you hold on to the rope Hand shaking Fingers gripping Blood Dripping Down injured Weary Hands Holding hard to the heartfelt hope That someone will save you from Drowning When there was never anyone At the other end of the rope So You watch the videos Drink and love Hoping it will bring you back From the clammy Gray You've been buried in so long We long for presence Because that's what we need Someone to hold the other end of the rope Someone to give us life again We need someone To put their arm beneath us And help us stand
"But mine is peace that flows from heaven and the strength in time of need I know my pain will not be wasted, Christ completes His work in me"