I have. . . lived well, laughed often, and loved much and I hope that I leave this world better than I found it whether by a perfect poem or by a rescued soul.
I have. . . never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it and I have always looked for the best in others and given the best I had.
I have. . . enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of children that I have had the honor to teach.
I have. . . become aware of the treasures of love and life and I hope others have learned from me and love me before I depart my quest for a rare and perfect tomorrow.
I have. . . learned the hard way that there is no such thing as a perfect ending and that some poems don't rhyme and that some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end.
I have. . . learned that life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it without knowing what is going to happen next. Jon York 2013