you held me in your delicate hands and never shushed or interrupted me as i began to chaotically unravel at the seams i spent so many years ensuring were kept tight and pristine
you witnessed me as i broke down shattered myself into fragmented pieces of what was once a mastered façade of protective perfection and you never once abandoned me
you told me with a warm smile that reached the corner of your eyes that my sharp edges were worth the piercing pain that you briefly felt deeply as they dug into your flesh
you kept all my pieces even the ones i wanted to throw away toss into the ocean of shame and denial hoping they would stay there buried beneath the dark abyss
you kept all my pieces and told me that each one was precious each one served me in its own valuable way even if i was not able to see it at the time
you held me in the palm of your hands modelled for me a concept i only knew to be familiar with in theory not practice
you simultaneously held me with such gentleness and fierceness it's something that makes me feel seen makes me feel heard it’s something I feel without a word or look it’s your presence alone
you held me until i began to learn that i could hold all parts of myself with my own two lonely hands that have craved for so long to express unconditional love as difficult as it is
and for that i dedicate this poem to you
thank you for listening to my soul to the poetry of my grief as it spills from my body through silence tears through breath words and movement
thank you [ slow inhale and exhale to grant the breath the space to be ] thank you
Note: she read it to me during our book ending today; it was a sacred form of intimacy that I’ll never forget