They arrive on the wings of a dove, quiet loyal and true always on time they fill the hour with beauty and grace Cinnamon hearts and chocolate, it is Valentine every day when you realize that love is the only thing worth giving
They show up in the most convenient times, each second a moment on the heart, each minute a revelation of love Love's tender moments cannot be bought nor borrowed they are living in the hourglass of perfection, we all know
That love cannot be bought nor can it be sold, it has to be lived under the umbrella of altruistic emotion, and love, cannot be overrated for it all that it deems to be for many love is the millisecond that saves, for others its a drowning
Love's tender moments are either received or rejected according to the temperatures of the individual it is either embraced with open arms or dejected, regardless of this Love is Love, in eternity's plan, it always show up on time.